How to Strap an Ankle
Basic Ankle Strapping Methods

A. Anchor - provides a firm base to attach the other Elastoplast Sport Rigid Strapping Tape in 38mm or 50mm.
B. Stirrup - a vertical "U" piece of tape, supporting either side of the ankle.
C. Spur - a horizontal stirrup that holds the ankle in position.

D. Basket-weave - Stirrups and spurs in half overlapping layers to build a pattern.
E. Locking straps - short circular tapes to cover all exposed skin and lock down the tape job.
F. Foam padding - used to fill in hollows, compress swelling and pad sensitive areas. Try Leukofoam to cushion, support and add protection in conjunction with taping and bandaging.

G. Figure of six - to support and reinforce one side of the ankle. Starts as a stirrup and crosses to form a six.
H. Interlocking sixes - the over-lapping tapes provide excellent support to one side of the joint.

I. Half-Heel Lock - Elastoplast Sport Rigid Strapping Tape in 38mm or 25mm is applied over the finished tape job to firmly lock in the ankle joint.
J. First Half-Heel Lock - the tape makes a 'U' to lock in one side of the heel.
K. Second Half-Heel Lock - opposite to the first. Supports the other side and further restricts ankle movement.

L. Figure-8 Bandage - used with an Elastoplast Crepe Bandage for light compression of the ankle to reduce swelling.
M. Figure-8 - also used with 75mm or 50 mm Elastoplast Sport Elastic Adhesive Bandage for strong support.
N. Spica - the thumb spica is a repeated figure-8. You can use 25 mm rigid or Elastoplast Sport Elastic Adhesive Bandage or Elastoplast Sport Rigid Strapping Tape.

O. Elastic and Rigid Tape Together - a combination of Elastoplast Sport Elastic Adhesive Bandage and Elastoplast Sport Rigid Strapping Tape provides optimal support.
P. Full Heel Lock with Elastoplast Sport Elastic Adhesive Bandage in 75mm - another way of overwrapping rigid tape for firm support. It is like two half heel locks without stopping.
Q. Spiral taping - (white tape) complete the overwrapping technique to completely encase the Elastoplast Sport Rigid Strapping Tape.
Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist contact your healthcare practitioner